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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ways to quit smoking

Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Smell for Smokers

While I was first examining this topic, I asked some of my relatives for some practical advice to rid my house of cigarette smoke. Their answer was direct and to the point was leave smoking. Who isn't tired of hearing that one? The truth is that cigarette smoke permeates into our furniture, our carpets, our walls, our windows, and just about every other nook and cranny in our homes. We the smokers are generally unaware of the smell. The same problem exists in our cars. There are large numbers of people who are allergic to cigarette smoke, or undergo some very serious breathing issues when they come into contact with it. Even the lingering smell of cigarette smoke left in a home or a car by its previous occupants is not just noticeable, but may be close to intolerable to the non-smoker.
So if you are not ready to kick the habit just yet, let's explore some ways of controlling the cigarette smoke in our environments. Who knows, the next person to bask in your odor may be a hot date or prospective employer and if they don't smoke, a noticeable smell will absolutely make an impression.

Get the Smoke Out

If you smoke inwardly, make a system that pulls the smoky air outside of your home so it does not have time to set on your surroundings such as smoking in front of a window fan that is set to repulse air from the room. Despite the people who feel second hand smoke is a health risk even if you are smoking outside in a wind storm, the smoke really needs to be trapped inside an enclosed area to deposit its smell.

Make a Smoker's Lounge

If you have any room in your home which is bare used, consider making one your smoker's lounge and furnish it accordingly. This room will wreak, but it will also keep you from stinking up the rest of your home. Better yet, set up shop on your driveway or patio to keep the stink out of your house entirely.

Rectify the Air Accurately

There are tons of air rectifiers on the market that claim to remove cigarette smoke and smell from the air before it gets a chance to turn your windows yellow. Many of them call themselves ‘ozone’ based air cleaners. They run the gambit from crap to somewhat effective, but even the best ones only work in the room where they are placed. If you only have an occasional smoke then a good air rectifier must be used just what you are after, but for daily smokers these will only drain your wallet along with your electricity.

Mind Your Butts

A single ashtray can stink up a room almost as quickly as a lit cigarette. You can fight this menace by placing an  absorbent element in your ashtrays. This works both inside your home, and in your car. Baking soda works wonderfully, just pour enough in your ash tray to plunge your butts and use it to douse and bury the tip of your cigarettes when you are finished with them. This is not going to solve the problem hundred percent, but it will help. It will not only help diminish the smell of an ashtray full of extinguished butts, but will also draw some of the smoky odor out of the surrounding air. It is certainly a lot cheaper than putting an "ozone generating, state of the art titanium based corona and ultra violet light" air cleaner in every room of your house. Even if you can plug one into the cigarette lighter of your car, you're still going to need to unplug it to light your next cigarette. Ashtrays with air-tight lids will also do the trick.

Your Clothing and Your Breath

If you find yourself in a situation where you really need to keep your person free of cigarette smoke smell, but you wanna  light up regardless then here's what you do. First, smoke outside facing away from the wind, upwind from any other smokers in the vicinity, if you have an overcoat with you, wear it. This will keep most of the smoke away from your clothing. After you've finished your stogie, remove your coat and stand out in the wind a little longer to flush your person with fresh air. If it's not particularly windy, take a animated walk. As for your breath, the best you can do is brush your teeth, gargle with a strong mouthwash, and follow that up with the strongest mint you can handle.

Fall in Love With a Fellow Smoker

You might as well face it. Your body, your clothes, and most of all your breath are going to smell like cigarettes. Also, your teeth are going to turn a bit yellow. Cigarette smoke can be removed from the body and your clothing with normal washing. You can use whitening toothpaste, brush 3 times a day, use lots of mouthwash, and visit the dentist regularly for professional teeth cleaning and this will remove all searches of cigarette smoke from your body, your clothes, and your breath... until about ten minutes later when you light up your next Marlboro.
Cigarette smoke smell can be reduced, and it is a polite thing to try, but as long as you smoke, the problem of their lingering odor will exist, and non-smokers will be unhappy with it. Oh well.

Getting Rid of Cigarette Smoke Smell for Non-Smokers

If you are a non-smoker, and have become the owner of a Home, Car, Book, or Sofa that once belonged to a smoker, you are likely here because you want to withdraw that awful cigarette smoke smell. Here are some suggestions:

Cigarette Smoke Smell in Furniture

The Fa breeze Controversy
When confronted with any smell on furniture, curtains, or bed linens, the natural thing to do is reach for a deodorizer such as Fa breeze. Some argue that this simply masks the smell temporarily and it will return as soon as the spray product evaporates. There have also been reports of breathing problems associated with the use of fa breeze and other deodorizers. Others swear it does not work anyway. It just turns the odor into a disgust full blend of smoke and the great outdoors. If the smell you are battling is very weak, it's worth a try. If it's strong then do not even bother.

Get it Steam Cleaned
Cigarette smoke smell in fabrics grows from tar ash and oil deposits left in its fibers. In order to carry away the smell, you need to remove these deposits. Unfortunately, when Cigarette smoke condenses onto something, the resulting 'goo' is very, very willful. If you've ever cleaned (scraped) this residue off of glass or painted walls you know exactly how stubborn it can be - imagine that same goo stuck in every fiber of the piece of furniture you wish to clean. The bottom line is that household cleaners just won't cut it, hire some professionals to come and clean it for you. Make sure they use a van-mounted steam cleaner and tell them exactly what your objective is so they can use the exact cleaning solution.

Low Budget
Completely cover the piece of furniture you are cleaning with baking soda and then rub it and pat it into the fabric so it gets as far into it as possible. Let it sit overnight and then void it all back up.

Get Rid of It
This is not meant to be flip, but sometimes you just have to cut your losses. When cigarette smoke gets deeply trap into the fabric of an ex-smokers favorite couch, there may be nothing that will ever get it out. Unless you enjoy reupholstering furniture, you might have to throw it away. Better yet, sell it to a smoker.

Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell From Carpets

Carpets are not as hard as walls, but they're still a lot of work.

Rent a Shampooer
Most home progress stores have carpet shampooers available for rental. Go pick one up, along with a bottle or so of shampoo, and get to work. A good carpet shampooer can remove the cigarette   smell, but it may take several passes through each room to get it all. To make your job easier, spray baking soda liberally over your whole carpet the night before you plan on shampooing, and vacuum it up just before using the carpet shampooer.

Call in the Professionals
Get the carpets a serious and professional cleaning.Do Hire a carpet cleaning company that uses van-mount steam cleaners. Tell them exactly what your goal is so they can use the exact cleaning agent when they arrive. If you have furniture to De-smokify, make sure they use smaller upholstery attachments and not the huge void-like wand they use on your carpets.

Low Budget
Fill a large tub with baking soda, add a few drops of essential oil and mix well. Lavender smells nice, but the flavor is up to you. Spray the blending liberally over the carpet, let it sit for at least four hours and then just vacuum it up. Repeat as necessary.

Cleaning Cigarette Smoke Residue From Walls

Cleaning a smoker's house is a nightmare, brown and yellow stains will be on everything from the windows to that knotty crown molding. Unless you are willing to hire somebody else for the task, get ready for a lot of work.

Next to Italian salad dressings, this may be vinegar's most important job. Even if you are going to paint the walls, you still need to clean them first. In a large bowl or bucket mix one cup of white vinegar for every two cups of warm water,After then add a scoop of baking soda - it should fizz. Use a sponge mop or brush to wash down your walls and ceilings with it. This solution will make residue much easier to remove and should be easy on your paint too. Follow this up with a vinegar based window washer for windows (can be found in organic grocery stores), and your original bubbly vinegar/baking soda mix on the window welding.

If you are still not happy with the result, you can try the last step again, or just repaint your walls.

Your Car Removing Cigarette Smoke Smell From

The same blending of vinegar and baking soda that you used on the walls inside the house can work on the interior of the car (one cup of white vinegar for every two cups of warm water along with a good scoop of baking soda). Wash down the windows, plastic welding, and metals with a generous amount on a sponge. Don't use this on fabric, however. Treat fabric as you would carpet inside - saturate it with baking soda, spray with a diluted solution of essential oil and water, let sit overnight, and vacuum.

Cigarette Smoke Smell Home Remedies:

There are almost as many cigarette smell removal remedies as there are people. Some of the ideas appear to mask the smell with another more powerful smell rather than to remove, so be sure you are going to be happy with the result. Here are some of them:
Fill a tub with vinegar and place it on the floor in the front seat, close the windows, open the floor vents and turn on the heat full blast. Let the car run in this state for an hour before withdrawing the tub. Another version of this remedy requires hot summer weather and allowing the tub sit on the floor with the windows closed all day.
Leave an opened bag of charcoal in the car overnight.
Put a few drops of vanilla extract on a rag and toss it under the seat.
Put a sliced apple in a cup and set it on the floor. Leave it until it shrivels.
Sprinkle dry coffee grounds on the floor of the car, let them sit there for a few days and vacuum them up.
Mix of apple sauce and cinnamon and put it into a jar with holes pricked in the lid. Place the jar on the floor of the car.
Whichever method you apply, be prepared for several re-applications. You are going to most likely need them. 

N.B:If you have any tips to make this easier, please share your opinion by commenting below.

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