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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

After having rice what is to be considered

At least one billion people in the world eat rice. The main food of Bangladeshis are also rice. For defending health the medical scientists are suggested to refrain from some particular tasks after having meal. For to keep healthy yourself please observe the following five tips.

# Don’t eat fruits immediately after a meal at the end .It may create gastric. One or two hours after eating rice or before one hours eat the fruits.

# Don’t smoke. Suppose you take too many cigarettes all along day. Obviously it will damage your health but the extent of the damage will be much more if you take cigarette after your meal. If you take a single cigarette having your meal, the volume of damage will be as level as ten cigarettes.

# Don’t take tea. A plenty of tannic acid is in tea which is raised the amount of protein of food almost 100 times. It takes a much more time to digest the food than as usual.

# Don’t loose your waist belt. If you loose your waist belt after your meal then Intestine to till rectum can be round or they can be blocked. Such a problem is called intestinal obstruction. If anyone wants to eat more he can loose his waist before eating.

# Don’t take a bath or shower. Bathing after meal is raised the blood circulation levels. This may be reduced to the amount of blood around the stomach what will weak the digestive system. As a result it will take higher time than the normal to digest the food.

N.B:If it helps you please make a comment here.

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